Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

Adenium swazicum

Adenium swazicum, Adenium somalense var. crispum, Adenium somalense, Adenium oleifolium , bunga Yang Cantik, Beautiful Flower, Indonesian Flower, Jepun Jepang, Beautiful Plant

Found in the east African coast to the south east coast such as in South Africa, Swaziland, and southern Africa and borders Mozambique. Leaves have the form of a narrow and long with the color of many younger other types. Its flower color Magenta to mauve. This compact and easy to flower but it is very difficult for the seeds. Can also be used as pejantan to cross with obesum. Hybrids of this type will be diligent flowering hybrids than other types. Like obesum, has grown a long period if there is a warm conditions and given enough water.

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